CTFK Back2School Bash

Churches Together For Kids will hold their annual Back2School Bash on August 8, 2015 from 8:30 - 10:30 in the morning.  School supplies will be given to children currently attending school.  Children must be present to receive school supplies.  Haircuts, health screenings and much, much more are available as well.  The Back2School Bash will be held in the former Wagener Manufacturing parking lot next to Wagener's Piggly Wiggly on Earle Street.  Call CTFK if you would like to volunteer for this event.  

PorkChop Productions at Nancy Bonnette Library

The 2015 Summer Programs at the Nancy Bonnette Library begin at 2:30 pm on the following dates:

June 11 - The Super Awesome Puppet Show.  Find out what it takes to be a super hero in this unique puppet show.

June 18 - Magician Chad Crews.  Don't miss the coolest magic show around!

July 9 -Ruth Patrick Science Center.  Learn about the local ecology with live animals.

July 16 - Porkchop Productions Presents Stone Soup.  A play that will have you rolling in the floor with laughter!  


Ruth Patrick Science Center at Nancy Bonnette Library

The 2015 Summer Programs at the Nancy Bonnette Library begin at 2:30 pm on the following dates:

June 11 - The Super Awesome Puppet Show.  Find out what it takes to be a super hero in this unique puppet show.

June 18 - Magician Chad Crews.  Don't miss the coolest magic show around!

July 9 -Ruth Patrick Science Center.  Learn about the local ecology with live animals.

July 16 - Porkchop Productions Presents Stone Soup.  A play that will have you rolling in the floor with laughter!  


Magician Chad Crews at Nancy Bonnette Library

The 2015 Summer Programs at the Nancy Bonnette Library begin at 2:30 pm on the following dates:

June 11 - The Super Awesome Puppet Show.  Find out what it takes to be a super hero in this unique puppet show.

June 18 - Magician Chad Crews.  Don't miss the coolest magic show around!

July 9 -Ruth Patrick Science Center.  Learn about the local ecology with live animals.

July 16 - Porkchop Productions Presents Stone Soup.  A play that will have you rolling in the floor with laughter!  


Puppet Show at Nancy Bonnette Library

The 2015 Summer Programs at the Nancy Bonnette Library begin at 2:30 pm on the following dates:

June 11 - The Super Awesome Puppet Show.  Find out what it takes to be a super hero in this unique puppet show.

June 18 - Magician Chad Crews.  Don't miss the coolest magic show around!

July 9 -Ruth Patrick Science Center.  Learn about the local ecology with live animals.

July 16 - Porkchop Productions Presents Stone Soup.  A play that will have you rolling in the floor with laughter!  


Allen Williams Retires from WSHS

By Valerie Sliker    Photo:  Spencer Smith, Allen Williams

After more than thirty years at Wagener Salley High School, Mr. Allen Williams has retired.  An honorary luncheon was served Sunday as hundreds came to wish him well, thank him for his work and tell stories of how he influenced lives.  Visit the Aiken Standard for the full story.  

Williams is a living example of his personal FFA motto:  Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.  Williams is one of many in a long line of men of character and integrity who have permanently influenced many lives through both the FFA and the vocational agriculture departments at WSHS.  Roy Warner preceded Spencer Smith as the WSHS vocational ag teacher and was a mentor to Smith.  "The agriculture program is a means of teaching rural leadership," claims Smith, to create good rural and state leaders alike.  As Smith credits Warner, Williams credits Smith, claiming that his success is due to Smith's strong foundation.


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