
Saron Baptist Church Dedication Service

Photo: Saron Baptist church shown while under construction this past spring.

This last year has been exciting for us as a congregation as we have both watched and participated in the progress of our new addition and renovations. As the finishing touches are being made, we want to take this opportunity to invite you to our dedication service which will be held on Sunday, July 12, 2015, at 2:00 pm. Our guest speaker for this special occasion will be the Reverend Joseph Cook, Pastor of Culbert Branch Baptist Church, Williston, South Carolina.

We look forward to sharing how God has truly blessed us and we are amazed at what He has done over the last 126 years here at the Saron Baptist Church. We want to share this blessed and sacred event with you.

Allen Williams Retires from WSHS

By Valerie Sliker    Photo:  Spencer Smith, Allen Williams

After more than thirty years at Wagener Salley High School, Mr. Allen Williams has retired.  An honorary luncheon was served Sunday as hundreds came to wish him well, thank him for his work and tell stories of how he influenced lives.  Visit the Aiken Standard for the full story.  

Williams is a living example of his personal FFA motto:  Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.  Williams is one of many in a long line of men of character and integrity who have permanently influenced many lives through both the FFA and the vocational agriculture departments at WSHS.  Roy Warner preceded Spencer Smith as the WSHS vocational ag teacher and was a mentor to Smith.  "The agriculture program is a means of teaching rural leadership," claims Smith, to create good rural and state leaders alike.  As Smith credits Warner, Williams credits Smith, claiming that his success is due to Smith's strong foundation.

A Hero's Welcome Includes Wagener Resident Spencer Smith

By Valerie Sliker

Early Wednesday morning, May 13, 2015, Wagener resident, World War II hero and former WSHS FFA Advisor and Ag Teacher Mr. Spencer Smith joined nearly 100 other South Carolina World War II and Korean War Veterans in an Honor Flight to Washington DC for a day of touring their memorials, many of which these heroes have never seen before.  These veterans were selected for the one day Honor Flight event and treated like royalty for the day.  Smith was nominated by former student Donald Shumpert who also escorted Smith to Washington.  Read more about Smith's involvement in the War and selection for the Honor Flight in Valerie Sliker's Aiken Standard article.

The Wagener First Baptist Church Children In Action class led by Debra Thomas and Marjorie Sliker attended the Honor Flight SC's Hero's Welcome at the Columbia Airport as the veterans returned home, landing at 8:01 pm.  The girls lined up near the start of the veterans' walkthrough to shake hands with the veterans.  Some girls shook their hands and thanked them for their service and one girl was even given a kiss on her forehead.  It was a beautiful tribute.

Wagener Drafts a Public Nuisance Ordinance

A town meeting was held Monday, March 16, 2015 to allow Wagener residents the opportunity to offer advice towards the construction of a town Public Nuisance Ordinance.  The town council read over the proposed ordinance, allowing time for resident feedback after each proposed section along with the guidance of Mr. Alton Johnson from the Aiken County Code Enforcement.  As council members or town residents brought up concerns and suggestions, Johnson voiced his experience with enforcing such laws.  The proposed ordinance intends to minimize the growing problem of health hazards in the town limits such as, but not limited to, outdated or neglected structures, leaking dumpsters, excessive trash and anything that accumulates scents, moisture or darkness which propagates the mosquito and rat population and leads to the spreading of disease.

The Public Nuisance Ordinance will be enforced in such a way as to help residents come into compliance.  The enforcement is not meant to punish people, the intent is to make the community better.  The town council added, "As long as you are operating in good faith and showing progress, we will work with you."   This ordinance will also benefit the community by reducing crime.  "What you are about to implement is going to have a direct correlation with crime.  Once you start doing this, the criminals will move because you are disturbing their environment."  

Improvements at Saron Baptist to Benefit Community

By Valerie Sliker, The Wagener Monthly

Saron Baptist Church celebrates 127 years this year with a new look and addition.  This particular church will be very, very glad when they open that gorgeous new vestibule and “go into the house of the Lord.”  The church is hoping the construction will be completed in late March.

If you’ve driven through Wagener on highway 39 recently, you have probably noticed the new vestibule and church front.  Reverend Leander Jones, the current pastor, is exceptionally proud of how the vestibule came out.  Keeping a unified look while adding a fellowship hall to the side of the church building was difficult to design.  “We didn’t want it to look like two separate buildings,” Jones said in a recent interview.  “That’s where the vestibule came in – to bring it all together.  It shows togetherness and unity.  Everybody is doing their part and everybody is excited.”

The intention behind Saron Baptist Church’s addition is to create a place for a level of fellowship and outreach that goes beyond one hour in the church pews each week.  Pastor Jones explained, “We wanted space to provide outreach to the community.  We were aware that once you get grants and funding for programs, you need to have a facility.  There are a lot of issues in the Wagener community – education, economics, parenting, family budgeting – and we wanted to provide a building to put some Christian-based programs in place using some of the funds that are available.  Our outreach is to the community.  It doesn’t matter who it is or what color they are.  I want a mixed congregation, that’s what I desire.  These programs will serve all kinds of families.”  Pastor Jones embraces diversity.
