
WSHS Groundbreaking Ceremony

By Representative Bill Taylor

A MOMENTOUS EVENT! Shovels pitched sand into the air today for the ceremonial groundbreaking for the new Wagener-Salley High School. Students, parents, teachers, interested citizens, and elected officials flocked to the site. I celebrated with those in attendance, as the Aiken Standard reported: 

“You'll have the last old high school, and you're going to have the first and the best high school in all of Aiken County, is that not something...”Taylor said. “You're going to have a grand new high school ... you citizens are the ones who kept pushing this. It wasn't elected officials or even appointed officials or anyone else. You citizens kept this up forever and ever. You got what you want, and it's coming soon.”

Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot Available at Library

The Nancy Bonnette Library offers a mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot available to patrons. Mobile hotspots can be used anywhere to create a wireless network, allowing you to connect any Wi-Fi enabled mobile device, laptop, printer, digital camera or gaming device. This is a great opportunity for use in the car if you are on the road a lot. And, of course, you can use it at your home as well if you do not have internet service. Stop by the library to check one out.

ACPSD Adopts Clear Bag Policy for Athletic Events

Effective beginning the 2022-23 school year, Aiken County Public School District has adopted a clear bag procedure for all home athletic events. Spectators will be permitted to carry one clear tote bag not to exceed 12” x 6” x 12” or a Ziplock style bag no larger than one gallon. A small clutch purse not to exceed 4.5” x 6.5” may also be carried. Seat cushions are permitted as long as they are no larger than 16” and do not include arms or pockets. No diaper bags or camera bags will be allowed.

The District is continually reviewing safety and security procedures. Utilizing a screening process that includes a clear bag procedure will enhance safety inside athletic venues and speed the screening process. A clear bag is quickly and easily searched and greatly reduces faulty bag searches. It also supports the Department of Homeland Security’s, “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign.

This proactive measure is part of the District’s efforts to continue to improve and advance safety and security measures. The clear bag entry procedure will be in effect for all home sporting events. 

Wagener United Methodist Church Senior Food Program

Are you a senior citizen over 60 in need of some food? If so, the Wagener United Methodist Church in conjunction with ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) of Aiken can help.

On the 3rd Saturday of every month, food that has been supplied by ACTS is distributed to those that qualify for this service. Along with the age limit, of course there is an income limit as well.  Confirmation of your age and income is a requirement.


Apply either through the ACTS office in Aiken on Park Avenue, SW, or come to the church on the 3rd Saturday with your paperwork in hand and we will complete your application. If you qualify, food will be given to you at that time. Distribution time is 8 to 9:30 AM every month on the 3rd Saturday.


SCDOT Pothole Hotline

Please call all potholes into SCDOT at 855-467-2368.  SCDOT will call back notifying the caller within 48 hours that the hole is repaired.  SCDOT does not drive around looking for issues, they depend on the public and Law Enforcement to report any problems or issues on the roads.   When calling be prepared to give the precise location, with the closest intersection to the problem roadway area.
