

AUGUSTA, GA – Twelve students from Wagener-Salley High School were the first to have an opportunity to crack the code during the National Security Agency (NSA) cyber challenge for middle and high schools hosted at the Georgia Cyber Center on November 18, 2021, sponsored by the CSRA Fort Gordon Alliance. The NSA offers this free-of-charge activity to train local students in basic knowledge of cryptanalysis and forensics. The challenge was created by NSA and is currently deployed and hosted on the Georgia Cyber Range which is located at the Georgia Cyber Center.

Miller Re-Elected for Mayor

The election results are in: Michael Miller has 68 votes, Travis Kennedy has 61 and Christopher Salley, 34.

For the two town council seats, Randy Kitchings has 104 votes, Taylor Love has 60, Andrew O'byrne, 58 and Kevin Young, 54.

Thank you all who ran and all those who voted.

Town Candidates Debate Issues in Town Hall Meeting

By Valerie Sliker

Some of the Mayoral and Town Council candidates discussed the town's hot topics at a town hall style meeting on October 20th with less than 25 in attendance. Optimistic solutions were offered with little or no strategy.

In attendance, Christopher Salley running for Mayor; Taylor Love and Kevin Young, for Town Council. Most issues addressed referred back to the need for a working budget and debt elimination. All three candidates are relatively inexperienced and agreed whole heartedly, if elected, to attend budget classes and municipal courses for the newly elected.

Issues of concern among town residents include:

  • Water system improvement
  • Improve Medical Center
  • Reopen town hall
  • Rehire former fire department
  • Attract new businesses to town
  • Fix budget, eliminate debt
  • Drug reduction
  • Increase police department
  • Decrease speeding tractor trailers through town.

The candidates agreed on these issues, but offered no clear path for the future. Salley would like to increase the town limits and reduce business taxes as a means to attract new business. Love suggested caution lights for the trucks while Love and Salley both agreed that extending the slower 40 mph limit would also slow the speeding trucks. Salley would like to restructure the police department into a public safety department. Young's experience with budget and finance would be an asset to both the town and the Medical Center's budget problems. Residents left the meeting with an optimistic hope for improvements, but no idea how these changes would be initiated.

Aiken County Cornhole

Cornhole at the Coop is an Aiken County cornhole league based out of Wagener. For almost a year, they have been meeting at a local chicken farm. Currently, they are meeting at the Wagener Fire Dept.

Follow on Facebook for updates.

Along with a change of venue, they also are changing their format. They will be using the app Scoreholio, making it easier for everyone participating. The format will be a round robin Switcholio format to start. This means each player will play 4 games with a new partner each game. After the 4 games, teams will be decided in the app using a points system. Entry fee will increase to $15 a player, however each player is guaranteed 6 games.
