
WSHS Grads Continue Welding Programs

By Valerie Sliker, courtesy Wagener Monthly

Former Wagener-Salley High School (WSHS) graduates Richie Bailey, Jamie Poole and Oscar Rushton are excited about continuing the welding programs at Swansea High School (SHS), WSHS and South Aiken High School (SAHS) for the 2016/17 school year.  The three instructors intentionally collaborate to ensure their programs run closely together. They put in a lot of time together working out different processes, project based learning (PBL) curriculum and pacing guides for how the years are going to flow.  While the students don’t actually cross-participate, the instructors pace curriculum so they can turn to each other for problem solving, as well as recommendations.

Statistics show that the trade workforce is diminishing and people aren’t available to fill these jobs because they’ve been encouraged to get a college degree instead of developing a skill.  Far too many students are graduating college with too much debt and a scarcity of jobs available.  Career and Technology classes are making a come-back and proving to support the jobs that become the backbone of America. 

High school welding students are graduating with the knowledge of an entry level welder, not requiring further education to grab a job.  WSHS Welding Instructor Richie Bailey encourages his students to attend Aiken Tech for welding or industrial maintenance, free with the Life or Hope scholarship, and about 70% did last year.  However, he adds, “Kids need to understand that you can be successful with a trade.  You can make a lot of money in the service industry.  The sky is the limit.  If you have the desire and the work ethic, you can be successful without the four-year college.”

WSHS CATE Classes Support Community

WSHS Welding Classroom
By Valerie Sliker

For a small a small, rural high school, Wagener-Salley offers a tremendous amount of different types of classes to its students.  We especially have a great selection of CATE (Career and Technology Education) classes such as cosmetology, building and construction, JROTC and welding.  All of Aiken County schools still have the welding program, but only Wagener-Salley and South Aiken have welding class hosted inside the school perimeter.  The other schools' students travel to a career and technology center for lab work.  New this year, Ridge Spring Monetta students will also come to WSHS for lab work.

Unfortunately, the school can't place as many students as they'd like into the programs.  Sometimes students just have too many schedule conflicts, but for some of the students, the fees associated with CATE classes present a real problem, fees for consumables that are used in the classroom.  Those are costs that some of our parents cannot afford so they don't enroll their children despite having the option of a payment plan.  The school and community is calling out for business owners, faith-based organizations and other folks to make some donations that will allow more students to participate in the CATE classes. 

CE Tyler's Red & White Comes Down

By Valerie Sliker, courtesy Wagener Monthly

Feb. 8, 2018

The building that housed CE Tyler’s Red & White grocery, one of South Carolina’s first and last Red & White stores, is in the process of being repurposed.  Closed in the Summer of 2001, the store located next to Blizzard’s Funeral Home on Main Street, has remained empty and under the ownership of Charlie Tyler and LeMyra (Tyler) Young for fifteen years. 

“We never felt good about selling the store until now,” Charlie Tyler, son of the building’s proprietor, told me recently as he and his wife Ann talked with me in their home in the room that formerly was a covered porch where his grandmother would sit and collect greetings from Wagener residents as they did their weekly grocery shopping across the yard.

“The store was like our living room and this house was like our living room; didn’t matter, you were home either place.”  Charlie’s grandparents spent much of their time on the sun porch.  They could sit and watch the people come and go and wave to the people who were calling out, “Hey Ms. Myra!”

“We live so close to the building and we will have to live closely with whatever goes on over there,” Tyler explained.  After fifteen years standing empty, the sixty-year-old building that housed a ninety-seven-year-old store has been sold to its neighbor, Blizzard’s Funeral Home.  “Wilson’s (Blizzard) daddy was in the store every day.  He would either sit with my mother in the office or go back in the meat department with daddy and talk.  We have a long standing relationship with the Blizzards.  We’re like family.  When Wilson called about purchasing the building, I didn’t have to hesitate.  I feel like this is a perfect thing to happen to this piece of property.  It’s been a blessing and an answer to prayer.”

Councilwoman Widener's Roots Lie Deep in Wagener

By Valerie Sliker
Courtesy Wagener Monthly

Wagener native Ann Widener was re-elected to the town council in November of 2015 and began her second term this past January.  Ann comes from a family of civil service as a daughter of former mayor and councilman Lawrence McLaurin and former town clerk Iris McLaurin.  Ann is married to Philip Widener and has 2 sons and 4 grandchildren.  She works in town at the Wagener Vision Clinic.

Ann's maternal roots lie deep in Wagener.  Ann's grandmother grew up on the 300-acre Cofer Plantation just west of town on Highway 39.  Family legend has it that Sherman's troops stopped at the Cofer Plantation on Sherman's March to the Sea in 1864 and that Sherman himself held Ann's grandmother's sister Dora "Dodie" on his lap.  He asked her where they hid the silverware and food, but the family had coached her not to reveal the hidden treasures.  This became a famous family story about the "first time Aunt Dodie told a lie."

The Cofer girls moved into Wagener.  Dodie moved into what is now the home of Orine Casey while Ann's grandmother moved into a home her husband, Oscar Jones, built for her in 1912.  Long-time Wagener residents might remember Oscar Jones, a painter and employee at Tyler Brothers, who created a buzz in town when he constructed a Sears and Roebuck house on Louie Street in which Ann's son, Chris, currently resides over 100 years after construction.  

Four Educators Retire after 114 Combined Years

 Photo:  Joy Holman (second from left) is surrounded by friends after announcing her retirement

By Valerie Sliker
The Wagener Monthly

The Busbee Corbett Elementary Middle School Staff Luncheon was held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 1:30 in the Wagener school cafeteria.  The PTO sponsored lunch was primarily focused on the four retiring teachers who have accumulated a combined total of 114 years of educational services, but many other awards were given out as well and Melissa Burke was announced as Busbee Corbett’s Teacher of the Year.

Dr. Debbie Black, Assistant Principal is retiring after 29 years of service in the field of education.  A Clemson graduate, Black went on to Winthrop for her Master of Education and to the University of South Carolina for her Doctor of Education.  Black was unable to attend the luncheon.

Physical Education teacher Joy Holman is retiring after 33 total years of service, 30 of which have been at Busbee Elementary.  Holman came to Busbee Elementary in 1985 to teach for one year and then move on to the high school where she planned to coach as well.  “I’d never taught elementary,” Holman said, “I was so afraid.”  Holman fell in love with the small children and never made it to the high school.  “Every day at lunch Mr. (Richard) Sumpter would tell me what to do and answer my questions.  Every day I couldn’t wait for lunch!  The first three years were tough.  My gym was outside.  Then I took over the cafeteria.  Eventually, I got a room.”
