Angel Tree Applications Accepted at CTFK

Angel Tree applications will be taken Sat. 11/7, 9 - noon and Monday, Nov. 9, 4 - 7 pm at the CTFK office across from the high school.  Applications are for children in need for Christmas birth through 12 years old.  The following is required for each application:  parent/guardian's ID, children's social security card, proof of income and proof of bills.  There are only two days to apply.

Angel Tree Applications Accepted at CTFK

Angel Tree applications will be taken Sat. 11/7, 9 - noon and Monday, Nov. 9, 4 - 7 pm at the CTFK office across from the high school.  Applications are for children in need for Christmas birth through 12 years old.  The following is required for each application:  parent/guardian's ID, children's social security card, proof of income and proof of bills.  There are only two days to apply.


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