Wagener United Methodist Church Senior Food Program

Are you a senior citizen over 60 in need of some food? If so, the Wagener United Methodist Church in conjunction with ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) of Aiken can help.

On the 3rd Saturday of every month, food that has been supplied by ACTS is distributed to those that qualify for this service. Along with the age limit, of course there is an income limit as well.  Confirmation of your age and income is a requirement.


Apply either through the ACTS office in Aiken on Park Avenue, SW, or come to the church on the 3rd Saturday with your paperwork in hand and we will complete your application. If you qualify, food will be given to you at that time. Distribution time is 8 to 9:30 AM every month on the 3rd Saturday.


WSHS Class of 2020 Parade

Rescheduled to June 1, 7:00 pm. ALC Middle School to the High School.  Line up/set up begins at 6 pm.

To sign up, please register on the Wagener Salley High PTSO Facebook page or call Katie at 803.240.6261. Businesses, alumni groups, faculty/staff of Busbee, ALC and WSHS and parents/relatives are encouraged to set up cheering stations along the parade route.



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