Cornhole Tournament
Registration 7 pm, bags fly at 7:30. Held at the fire department.
Registration 7 pm, bags fly at 7:30. Held at the fire department.
VBS will be held at Berlin Baptist Church June 13 - 17, M - F, 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm.
Several pastors in the community have collaborated to sponsor this year's Baccalaureate service for Wagener Salley High School. The service will be held on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the high school auditorium.
Save the date! National Night Out with our friends in Wagener and Perry. This year all three agencies will be participating in National Night Out!
Friday night, Aug. 5th! 6-9PM behind the Wagner Fire Department
and so much more. #NationalNightOut #NNO2022 #Partywithapurpose
This is a test article.
War Eagle Football will be hosting a FREE youth football camp at Wagener-Salley on June 10th!
Ages: 6 and up
Open to boys and girls!
Registration is 5:30. Camp begins at 6:00.
Campers will receive instruction from W-S coaches and players.
If you have any questions - email Coach Fox at [email protected].
Join area churches for a evening of worship every first Sunday at the Pavilion in Wagner SC. Everyone is welcome!
The Pet Care-A-Van will be in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot On April 24 from 10 - 11 a.m.