WSHS Home Football vs Calhoun County WITH JROTC Military Appreciation Night

The Wagener-Salley High School JROTC War Eagle Battalion (Army JROTC) will host its Tenth Annual Military Appreciation Night on October 17, 2014.  This year we will also celebrate the tenth anniversary of the JROTC Program at Wagener-Salley.  We invite all former cadets to come and help us celebrate this event.  The event will be held on the WSHS football field during the football game between WSHS and Calhoun County.

The pre-game activities will start at 5:00 pm with tailgating activities on the baseball field for WSHS current and former cadets, WSHS faculty members, current and former service members.  Current and former members of the Armed Forces are invited to join the cadets on the field for honors to the nation prior to the start of the game.  Also, our goal is to have a JROTC Chorus consisting of current and previous cadets perform the National Anthem.

The War Eagle Battalion consists of 61 cadets.  These cadets are highly motivated and will be working diligently throughout the school year to host community wide events.  Please join us for this wonderful event.  For more information, contact Colonel Maxie L. Joye at WSHS.

Friday, October 17, 2014 - 7:30pm to 10:00pm