CTFK's Back2School Bash

The August 12th Back2School Bash will be held at a different location this year, please make note of this.  The bash will be held on the grounds of the CTFK office across from the high school.  The police department will be present to assist with road crossings. 

As we prepare for the annual Churches Together for Kids Back2School Bash, we are in need of many volunteers and many supplies.  The ways in which you can help include donating supplies, sponsoring a booth, donating money, volunteering in person on the day of the event, praying before, during and after.

To sponsor a booth, look over the list to determine what school supply your organization would like to give out at the bash.  Email or call CTFK to sign up for this supply.  Pass the word to your organization and start collecting.  On August 12th, set up your booth and pass out the supplies.  You need to have your own volunteers to work your booth.  You will need to supply your own table and chairs as well.  We encourage you to bring a pop-up tent for your table as well, but that is optional.

Collection for School Supplies:  800 highlighters, 5000 pencils, 1600 glue sticks, 800 large erasers, 1200 composition books, 600 1" 3-ring binders, 1500 spiral notebooks, notebook paper, and 3800 pocket folders with brads.  We'd like to thank the following sponsors who have already signed up:  First Baptist Church for supplying rulers, Perry Baptist Church for supplying crayons, and Tabernacle Baptist Church for supplying ink pens.

All school supplies that are not picked up will be delivered to the schools.

Other Options:  If your organization cannot supply the entire quantity needed, partner up with another organization.  Perhaps your organization would like to do something other than school supplies, such as SnoCones or Popcorn.  Discuss your idea with someone at CTFK to see if it is permitted.  Financial donations of any amount are always welcome as well.  Maybe you can't donate supplies or money, but you can donate your time.  We need volunteers the day of the event for a variety of jobs.  Please sign up with CTFK if you can volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities: 

Pass Out Supplies - We need 8 volunteers to work at 4 booths to pass out supplies that are purchased by CTFK.
Prayer Tent - We would like to have pastors, deacons, elders and prayer warriors to pray with people under the tent at the bash.
Greeters - We need 10 volunteers to greet people when they enter, to register students and to pass out maps and bags.
Set Up - We need volunteers to set up Friday morning, August 11th at 10:00 a.m. (moving items, copying and folding maps, etc.).  We should finish by 1:00 pm and we have work for both strong and not-so-strong people.
Set Up - We need 10 volunteers at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday August 12th to unload school supplies, set up booths, etc.

CTFK asks for prayers for this event.  Consider donating and/or volunteering.  This is always a fun, exciting day to visit with friends and to see the kids receive new supplies.  You don't want to miss it!  Questions, suggestions and to volunteer, contact Cindy Blizzard at [email protected].



Saturday, August 12, 2017 - 8:30am to 10:00am